Hospital Bag Packing List: Recommendations from a Postpartum Doula

Hospital Bag Packing List: Recommendations from a Postpartum Doula

Congratulations! You’ve hit the point in your pregnancy when you’re actively preparing for your birth. Packing a hospital bag can be an exciting step, as this process can help what’s to come feel very real. While the hospital will provide all of the essentials, I recommend bringing some items from home to make your stay more comfortable.

A hospital bag is packed and ready for birth. A St. Louis postpartum doula recommends what to pack in your hospital bag.

I recommend packing your bag around 36 weeks. While this may seem early, it reduces the stress that you’d experience if you need to head to the hospital earlier than you’d expected. While some items (like phone chargers) can’t be added until the last minute, you can keep a note in the bag with those final things that you need to include.

Every family’s needs are different and this list is not intended to be comprehensive, but just to spark some ideas about what you may wish to take with you for your birth.

For parents –

·      Driver’s license/ID card

·      Insurance card

·      Written birth plan/preferences

·      Phone and charger

·      Toiletries -shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, Chapstick, face wipes

·      Hairbrush

·      Prescription medication (but ask your care team before taking anything)

·      Ponytail holders or headband

·      Nipple cream

·      Glasses and/or contact lenses and solution if needed

·      Breath mints or gum

·      Favorite snacks

·      Flip flops

·      Nursing bra

·      Pajamas – preferably button-down style

·      Comfortable clothes – button down shirts or nursing tops and maternity leggings

·      Outfit for going home (comfortable maternity clothes)

·      Ear plugs

·      Eye mask

·      Pen

Optional –

·      Towel (one will be provided in the hospital but you may like a bigger/softer one from home)

·      Robe

·      Extension cord for phone charger

·      iPad/tablet and ear buds for entertainment

·      Pillow

·      Portable Bluetooth speaker

For Baby –

·      Pajamas in size newborn and 0-3 months

·      Going home outfit

·      Nail clippers

·      Swaddle (if desired – nurses will use hospital blankets for swaddling)

·      Car seat

·      Warm blanket for trip to car, if weather is cold

·      Pediatrician contact info saved in phone

A doula can help you think about your specific needs and any items that might feel important for your hospital stay. If you have any questions as you think about your own hospital packing list, feel free to contact me!

About the Doula

Kathleen Robbins is a postpartum doula and Certified Lactation Counselor. She provides in-person support to families in the St. Louis area, as well as virtual support to parents in all locations.

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